You are hereHome Consistency, stability, and convergence of continuous/discontinuous finite element approximation of fourth-order elliptic problems with application to Bernoulli-Euler beam bending Research Group: Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and ApplicationsmathLabSpeaker: Marco TezzeleInstitution: SISSASchedule: Friday, September 6, 2019 - 11:00Location: A-004 Search form Search Links Call of interest for positions in mathematics at SISSA Public Calls for Professors Temporary Researchers Temporary Technologists Research Fellowships Open positions in MathLab SISSA Mathematical Fellowships PhD Scolarships SIS Fellowships Pre-PhD Fellowships MSc in Mathematics Master Degree in Data Science and Scientific Computing Professional Master Courses SISSA Mathematics Medals SISSA Springer Series Upcoming events Maria Teresa Rotolo Growth of Sobolev norms for completely resonant quantum Harmonic Oscillators in R2 Saturday, December 13, 2025 - 14:00 Room: A-133 Today's Lectures Mathematics of Many-Body... 14:00 to 16:00 Room: March 13 in room 134 Recent publications G.P. Leonardi; G. Saracco, Rigidity and trace properties... M. Berti; S. Cuccagna; F. Gancedo; S. Scrobogna, Paralinearization and extended... S. Bianchini; G.Maria Leccese, Existence and blow-up for non-... M. Berti; B. Langella; D. Silimbani, Time periodic solutions of com...