Research Group:
Monday, February 26, 2024 - 09:15 to 21:30
Aula Magna
PoD UQ is an event dedicated to welcoming young researchers, especially from under-represented groups, and making them acquainted with the overall topic of the SIAM UQ24 conference and with each other. Specifically, the goals of PoD UQ are to: i) introduce students and early-career researchers to current trends in modeling, sampling and analyzing uncertainties so that they can make the most of SIAM UQ24 and ii) offer an excellent chance for networking with both peers and more established researchers. The name of the event highlights the central role played by diversity in UQ, a field whose advancement requires the integration of mathematics and statistics, theory and computations. Diversity refers also to the community of under-represent groups that the event targets for greater inclusivity.PoD UQ will feature three 45 minute Overview Presentations by established researchers in the fields laying out the state of the art of UQ from the point of view of numerical analysis, statistics and modeling, and two 30 minute Spotlight Presentations on more specific topics. Each presentation will be followed by 15 minutes for questions, comments and general exchange of ideas.Monday Feb. 26, 2024
SISSA, Aula Budinich
9:00AM-9:15AM: Introductory remarks 2:00PM-3:00PM: Third overview presentation
9:15AM-10:15AM: First overview presentation 3:00PM-3:30PM: Walking the tight rope of UQ
10:15AM-10:45AM: Coffee break 3:30PM-4:00PM: Coffee break
10:45AM-11:30AM: First spotlight presentation 4:00PM-4:45PM: Second spotlight presentation
11:30AM-12:30PM: Second overview presentation 4:45PM-6:00PM: Poster session
12:30PM-2:00PM: Lunch at SISSA 7:30PM-9:30PM: Dinner