Geometry and Mathematical Physics


Courses of the Academic Year 2001-2002

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory. 40 h October-June
F. Pioli Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. 40 h October-June
M. Narasimhan Moduli Problems in Geometry. 40 h October-June

Courses of the Academic Year 2000-2001

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Boris Dubrovin Integrable Systems and Frobenius manifolds 40 h October-June
Gregorio Falqui Integrable Systems I. 40 h October-June
Ugo Bruzzo Introduction to algebraic geometry 40 h October-June
Ludwik Dabrowski Introduction to Non Commutative Geometry. 40 h October-June
Giuseppe Mussardo Introduction to Quantum Field theory. 40 h October-June
Cesare Reina Representation theory. 40 h October-June
Giuseppe Mussardo Statistical Field theory. 40 h October-June
M. Narasimhan Principal Bundles (run by Prof. M. Narasimhan) 40 h October-June
G. Dell'Antonio Advanced Quantum Mechanics. 40 h October-June

Courses of the Academic Year 1999-2000

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ludwik Dabrowski Hopf algebras, renormalization group, and the Riemann-Hilbert problem. (Run by L. Dabrowski). 40 h October-June
Ugo Bruzzo Introduction to algebraic geometry 40 h October-June
Ettore Aldrovandi Lie Algebras (Reading Course). 40 h October-June
Boris Dubrovin Poisson Geometry 40 h October-June
Gregorio Falqui The method of Poisson pairs in the theory of nonlinear PDE's (Reading Course). 40 h October-June
Cesare Reina Geometry of gauge theory. 40 h October-June

Courses of the Academic Year 1998-1999

Lecturer Title Duration Period
Ugo Bruzzo Introduction to algebraic geometry 40 h October-June
Barbara Fantechi, Lothar Göttsche Introduction to Gromov-Witten Invariants 40 h October-June


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