- current
- forthcoming
- all years
Lecturer | Title | Duration | Period |
Ettore Aldrovandi | Lie Algebras. | 40 h | October-June |
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio | Quantum Mechanics | 40 h | October-June |
Ludwik Dabrowski | Elements of Geometry | 40 h | October-June |
Boris Dubrovin | Frobenius Manifolds | 40 h | October-June |
Cesare Reina | Gauge Theories and Geometry | 40 h | October-June |
Gregorio Falqui | Hamiltonian theory of Soliton Equations | 40 h | October-June |
Lecturer | Title | Duration | Period |
Ugo Bruzzo | Introduction to algebraic geometry | 40 h | October-June |
Ludwik Dabrowski | Introduction to non Commutative Geometry | 40 h | October-June |
Boris Dubrovin | The Riemann-Hilbert Problem | 40 h | October-June |
Cesare Reina | Algebraic geometry and String Theory | 40 h | October-June |
Ettore Aldrovandi | Curvature and characteristic classes | 40 h | October-June |
Gregorio Falqui | Hamiltonian theory of Soliton Equations | 40 h | October-June |
G. Boffi | Algebra | 40 h | October-June |
F. Strocchi | General Quantum Field Theory | 40 h | October-June |
Lecturer | Title | Duration | Period |
Gregorio Falqui | Lie Algebras | 40 h | October-June |
Ludwik Dabrowski | Lie Groups and Quantum Groups | 40 h | October-June |
Boris Dubrovin | Algebraic aspects of integrable systems | 40 h | October-June |
Gianfausto Dell'Antonio | Functional analysis and quantum mechanics | 40 h | October-June |
Mauro Carfora | Geometry and statistical mechanics of random surfaces | 40 h | October-June |
Ugo Bruzzo | Introduction to algebraic geometry | 40 h | October-June |