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Heltai L, Rotundo N. Error estimates in weighted Sobolev norms for finite element immersed interface methods. Computers & Mathematics with Applications [Internet]. 2019 ;78:3586–3604. Available from:
Riccobelli D, Agosti A, Ciarletta P. On the existence of elastic minimizers for initially stressed materials. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 2019 ;377.
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Hess MW, Alla A, Quaini A, Rozza G, Gunzburger M. A Localized Reduced-Order Modeling Approach for PDEs with Bifurcating Solutions. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering [Internet]. 2019 ;351:379-403. Available from:
Berti M, Maspero A. Long time dynamics of Schrödinger and wave equations on flat tori. J. Differential Equations [Internet]. 2019 ;267:1167–1200. Available from:
Heltai L, Caiazzo A. Multiscale modeling of vascularized tissues via non-matching immersed methods. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering [Internet]. 2019 ;35:e3264. Available from:
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