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Numerical simulation of in-flight ice accretion: present and future challenges

Alberto Della Noce
Friday, June 24, 2022 - 14:00
Hybrid: in presence and online. Sign in to get the link to the webinar

The accurate modeling of icing phenomena is crucial for both the aircraft design problem and for safety requirements. Several studies have been conducted throughout the years to develop software that are capable of correctly predicting the ice accretion phenomena. In this context, a fully open-source framework for ice accretion simulations has been developed at Politecnico di Milano. The aerodynamic flow field is solved through the open-source software SU2. The computation of the water mass impinging the aerodynamic surfaces is obtained via the solution of the flow of water droplets in air by means of a Lagrangian solver. The ice accretion simulation is then performed known the outputs of the CFD simulation and particle tracking. In this presentation, an overview of the icing problem in aeronautics is presented. Then, a general outlook of the software implemented in the framework is presented, together with their capabilities of predicting accurate particle trajectories, ice shapes, Ice Protection Systems performances and ice shedding events. Finally, a demonstration of the applications of the framework is highlighted, showing some examples of 2D and 3D ice accretion phenomena over airfoils, wings, rotorcrafts and full configuration aircrafts.

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