Gharchia Abdellaoui
2012-2013 -
Flaviana Iurlano
2012-2013Related publication(s):
- A density result for GSBD and its application to the approximation of brittle fracture energies (2014)
- Fracture models as Gamma-limits of damage models (2013)
- Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation of cohesive fracture models in linearized elasticity (2013)
- Fracture and plastic models as Gamma-limits of damage models under different regimes (2011)
- New approximation results for free discontinuity problems (2010)
Mattia Pedrini
2012-2013 -
Claudio Luigi S...
2011-2012 -
Francesco Fanelli
2011-2012Related publication(s):
Sergio Andres H...
2011-2012 -
Andrea Sfecci
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Periodic bouncing solutions for nonlinear impact oscillators (2013)
- A nonresonance condition for radial solutions of a nonlinear Neumann elliptic problem (2012)
- A general method for the existence of periodic solutions of differential systems in the plane (2012)
- Periodic solutions of a system of coupled oscillators with one-sided superlinear retraction forces (2012)
Flavia Poma
2011-2012 -
Virginia Agostiniani
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Second order approximations of quasistatic evolution problems in finite dimension (2012)
- Linear elasticity obtained from finite elasticity by Gamma-convergence under weak coerciveness conditions (2012)
- Ogden-type energies for nematic elastomers (2012)
- Gamma-convergence of energies for nematic elastomers in the small strain limit (2011)
Serena Dipierro
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Existence and symmetry results for a Schrodinger type problem involving the fractional Laplacian (2013)
- Concentration of solutions for a singularly perturbed mixed problem in non-smooth domains (2013)
- Asymptotics of the s-perimeter as s →0 (2012)
- Concentration of solutions for a singularly perturbed Neumann problem in non-smooth domains (2011)
Rayhane Karbala...
2011-2012 -
Elisa Davoli
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Quasistatic evolution models for thin plates arising as low energy Γ-limits of finite plasticity (2014)
- Linearized plastic plate models as Γ-limits of 3D finite elastoplasticity (2014)
- A quasistatic evolution model for perfectly plastic plates derived by Γ-convergence (2013)
- Thin-walled beams with a cross-section of arbitrary geometry: derivation of linear theories starting from 3D nonlinear elasticity (2011)
Giacomo Dossena
2011-2012 -
Stefano Maggiolo
2011-2012 -
Alberto Boscaggin
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Pairs of positive periodic solutions of nonlinear ODEs with indefinite weight: a topological degree approach for the super-sublinear case (2016)
- Subharmonic solutions for nonlinear second order equations in presence of lower and upper solutions (2013)
- Pairs of nodal solutions for a class of nonlinear problems with one-sided growth conditions (2013)
- Planar Hamiltonian systems at resonance: the Ahmad–Lazer–Paul condition (2013)
- One-signed harmonic solutions and sign-changing subharmonic solutions to scalar second order differential equations (2012)
- Periodic solutions to superlinear planar Hamiltonian systems (2012)
- Pairs of positive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight (2012)
- Positive periodic solutions of second order nonlinear equations with indefinite weight: Multiplicity results and complex dynamics (2012)
- Subharmonic solutions of planar Hamiltonian systems via the Poincaré́-Birkhoff theorem (2011)
- Resonance and rotation numbers for planar Hamiltonian systems: Multiplicity results via the Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem (2011)
- A note on a superlinear indefinite Neumann problem with multiple positive solutions (2011)
- Subharmonic solutions of planar Hamiltonian systems: a rotation number approach (2011)
Emanuele Parodi
2011-2012 -
Stefano Romano
2011-2012Special Frobenius structures on Hurwitz spaces and applications -
Maurizio Garrione
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Periodic perturbations of Hamiltonian systems (2016)
- Planar Hamiltonian systems at resonance: the Ahmad–Lazer–Paul condition (2013)
- Generalized Sturm-Liouville boundary conditions for first order differential systems in the plane (2013)
- Resonance at the first eigenvalue for first-order systems in the plane: vanishing Hamiltonians and the Landesman-Lazer condition (2012)
- Resonance and Landesman-Lazer conditions for first order systems in R^2 (2011)
- Double resonance with Landesman–Lazer conditions for planar systems of ordinary differential equations (2011)
- Resonance and rotation numbers for planar Hamiltonian systems: Multiplicity results via the Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem (2011)
- Nonlinear resonance: a comparison between Landesman-Lazer and Ahmad-Lazer-Paul conditions (2011)
Pietro Giavedoni
2011-2012 -
Virginia Agostiniani
2011-2012Related publication(s):
- Second order approximations of quasistatic evolution problems in finite dimension (2012)
- Linear elasticity obtained from finite elasticity by Gamma-convergence under weak coerciveness conditions (2012)
- Ogden-type energies for nematic elastomers (2012)
- Gamma-convergence of energies for nematic elastomers in the small strain limit (2011)
Marco Morandotti
2010-2011 -
Davide Barilari
2010-2011Related publication(s):
Pietro Tortella
2010-2011 -
Fabio Cavalletti
2010-2011Related publication(s):
Francesco Sala
2010-2011 -
Marco Morandotti
2010-2011 -
Sara Daneri
2010-2011 -
Daniela Tonon
2010-2011Related publication(s):
- Some applications of the SBV Regularity Theorem for entropy solutions of 1D scalar conservation laws to ConvectionTheory and sticky particles (2012)
- SBV-like regularity for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with a convex Hamiltonian (2012)
- SBV regularity for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with Hamiltonian depending on (t,x) (2012)
- A Decomposition Theorem for BV functions (2011)
Livio Fedeli
2010-2011Related publication(s):
Davide Barilari
2010-2011Related publication(s):
Pietro Tortella
2010-2011 -
Andrea Mondino
2010-2011Related publication(s):
- Existence of immersed spheres minimizing curvature functionals in non-compact 3-manifolds (2014)
- Existence of integral m-varifolds minimizing $\int |A|^p $ and $\int |H|^p$ , p>m, in Riemannian manifolds (2014)
- Existence of immersed spheres minimizing curvature functionals in compact 3-manifolds (2014)
- The Conformal Willmore Functional: A Perturbative Approach (2013)
Francesco Sala
2010-2011 -
Antonio Lerario
2010-2011Related publication(s):
Emanuele Costa
2009-2010The Schroedinger equation on thin Dirichlet waveguides: the Quantum Graph approximation -
Carlo Mercuri
2009-2010On some nonlinear problems with lack of compactness in Critical Point TheoryRelated publication(s):
- Concentration on circles for nonlinear Schrödinger–Poisson systems with unbounded potentials vanishing at infinity (2012)
- Embedding theorems and existence results for nonlinear Schrödinger–Poisson systems with unbounded and vanishing potentials (2011)
- A global compactness result for the p-Laplacian involving critical nonlinearities (2010)
- Foliations of small tubes in Riemannian manifolds by capillary minimal discs (2009)
- Minimal disc-type surfaces embedded in a perturbed cylinder (2009)
- Positive solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson systems with radial potentials vanishing at infinity (2008)
Roberta Ghezzi
2009-2010Related publication(s):
- Lipschitz Classification of Almost-Riemannian Distances on Compact Oriented Surfaces (2013)
- On a class of vector fields with discontinuity of divide-by-zero type and its applications (2012)
- The sphere and the cut locus at a tangency point in two-dimensional almost-Riemannian geometry (2011)
- A normal form for generic 2-dimensional almost-Riemannian structures at a tangency point (2010)
- Two-dimensional almost-Riemannian structures with tangency points (2010)
Alessandro Selv...
2009-2010Some problems concerning the nonlinear Schrödinger equationRelated publication(s):
- Uniqueness and nondegeneracy of the ground state for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation with a small parameter (2011)
- Semiclassical evolution of two rotating solitons for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with electric potential (2010)
- Asymptotic evolution for the semiclassical nonlinear Schrödinger equation in presence of electric and magnetic fields (2008)
Giuseppe De Nittis
2009-2010 -
Yao Yuan
2009-2010Determinant line bundles on Moduli spaces of pure sheaves on rational surfaces and Strange Duality -
Francesca de Marchis
2009-2010 -
Davide Masoero
2009-2010 -
Giuseppe De Nittis
2009-2010 -
Yao Yuan
2009-2010Determinant line bundles on Moduli spaces of pure sheaves on rational surfaces and Strange Duality -
Giuseppe De Nittis
2009-2010 -
Giusi Vaira
2009-2010Existence of positive solutions for some nonlinear systemsRelated publication(s):
- Infinitely many positive solutions for a Schrödinger–Poisson system (2011)
- Cluster solutions for the Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater problem around a local minimum of the potential (2011)
- Positive solutions for some non-autonomous Schrödinger–Poisson systems (2010)
- Solutions of the Schrödinger–Poisson problem concentrating on spheres, part I: necessary conditions (2009)
- On concentration of positive bound states for the Schrödinger-Poisson problem with potentials (2008)
Francesco Solombrino
2009-2010Related publication(s):
- Quasistatic evolution for Cam-Clay plasticity: properties of the viscosity solution (2012)
- Quasistatic evolution for Cam-Clay plasticity: a weak formulation via viscoplastic regularization and time rescaling (2011)
- Quasistatic evolution for plasticity with softening: The spatially homogeneous case (2010)
- Quasistatic evolution for Cam-Clay plasticity: the spatially homogeneous case (2010)
- Quasistatic evolution problems for nonhomogeneous elastic plastic materials (2009)
Roberta Ghezzi
2009-2010Related publication(s):
- Lipschitz Classification of Almost-Riemannian Distances on Compact Oriented Surfaces (2013)
- On a class of vector fields with discontinuity of divide-by-zero type and its applications (2012)
- The sphere and the cut locus at a tangency point in two-dimensional almost-Riemannian geometry (2011)
- A normal form for generic 2-dimensional almost-Riemannian structures at a tangency point (2010)
- Two-dimensional almost-Riemannian structures with tangency points (2010)
Giuliano Lazzaroni
2008-2009Related publication(s):
Francesco Rossi
2008-2009Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Hypoelliptic Heat Equations on 3D Lie Groups - with applications to image reconstruction -
Annibale Magni
2008-2009Some Results on Geonetric Evolution Problems -
Fabio Ferrari R...
2008-2009 -
Marco Caponigro
2008-2009 -
Chengbo Li
2008-2009 -
Mouhamed Mousta...
2008-2009 -
Matteo Johannes...
2008-2009Transport Equations with Low Regularity Fields -
Andrea Brini
2008-2009 -
Chengbo Li
2008-2009 -
Isabella Ianni
2008-2009Existence and Stability of Standing Waves for the Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater System -
Laura Caravenna
2008-2009Related publication(s):
Pierluigi Cesana
2008-2009 -
Cristina Manolache
2008-2009 -
Andrea Brini
2008-2009 -
Abdelmoubine Am...
2008-2009Monads for framed torsion-free sheaves on multi-blow-ups of the projective plane -
Luca Philippe M...
2008-2009 -
Nicola Tito Pagani
2008-2009 -
Francesco Rossi
2008-2009Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Hypoelliptic Heat Equations on 3D Lie Groups - with applications to image reconstruction -
Marita Gazzini
2007-2008 -
Alessandro Turco
2007-2008 -
Mattia Cafasso
2007-2008 -
Fabio Nironi
2007-2008 -
Alexey Demyanov
2007-2008 -
Lucio Simone Cirio
2007-2008 -
Paolo Rossi
2007-2008 -
Lucio Simone Cirio
2007-2008 -
Carlotta Donadello
2007-2008 -
Alice Fiaschi
2007-2008 -
Francesco D'Andrea
2006-2007 -
Yassir Ibrahim Dinar
2006-2007On classification and construction of Algebraic Frobenius Manifolds -
Lucia Scardia
2006-2007 -
Pietro Baldi
2006-2007 -
Francesco Noseda
2006-2007 -
Francesco D'Andrea
2006-2007 -
Elena Andreini
2006-2007Quantum cohomology of gerbes -
Marco Barchiesi
2006-2007Multiscale analysis of some variational problems -
Marco Barchiesi
2006-2007Multiscale analysis of some variational problems -
Filippo Cagnetti
2006-2007Some results in free discontinuity problems: second order optimality conditions, cohesive zone models in fracture mechanics, and homogenization in perforated domains -
Cheikh Birahim ...
2006-2007 -
Francesca Carlo...
2006-2007 -
Lucia Scardia
2006-2007 -
Pietro Baldi
2006-2007 -
Filippo Cagnetti
2006-2007Some results in free discontinuity problems: second order optimality conditions, cohesive zone models in fracture mechanics, and homogenization in perforated domains -
Fabio Simone Priuli
2005-2006 -
Paolo Mason
2005-2006 -
Laura Spinolo
2005-2006Parabolic approximation of hyperbolic initial boundary value problems -
Paolo Mason
2005-2006 -
Emanuele Macri'
2005-2006Stability conditions on derived categories -
Antonio Ricco
2005-2006 -
Chiara Zanini
2005-2006 -
Lucattilio Tenuta