Giacomo Maria L...
2023-2024 -
Valentin Eric B...
2023-2024Related publication(s):
- A hybrid reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers in an ALE approach at high Reynolds number (2024)
- A segregated reduced order model of a pressure-based solver for turbulent compressible flows (2024)
- A reduced-order model for segregated fluid-structure interaction solvers based on an ALE approach (2022)
Luca Gennaioli
2023-2024Related publication(s):
- Fourier transform of BV functions, isoperimetry, and discrepancy theory (2024)
- A note about charts built by Eriksson-Bique and Soultanis on metric measure spaces (2024)
- Comments on the regularity of harmonic maps between singular spaces (2024)
- On the Hausdorff Measure of $\mathbbR^n$ with the Euclidean Topology (2023)
- Asymptotics as $s \to 0^+$ of the fractional perimeter on Riemannian manifolds (2023)
Daniele Tiberio
2023-2024 -
Marco Feder
2023-2024Related publication(s):
Daniele Tiberio
2023-2024 -
Marco Feder
2023-2024Related publication(s):
Jacopo Zanchettin
2022/2023 -
Jacopo Zanchettin
2022/2023 -
Umar Shahzad
2022/2023 -
Hayato Morimura
2022/2023 -
Annamaria Ortu
2022/2023 -
Fabio Marconi
2022/2023Related publication(s):
Paolo Ventura
2022-2023Related publication(s):
- Stokes waves at the critical depth are modulationally unstable (2024)
- First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water (2024)
- Infinitely many isolas of modulational instability for Stokes waves (2024)
- Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in finite depth (2023)
- On the analyticity of the Dirichlet-Neumann operator and Stokes waves (2022)
- Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in deep water (2022)
- Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves (2022)
Warren Cattani
2022-2023 -
Mario De Marco
2022-2023 -
Simone Carano
2022-2023 -
Ivan Prusak
2022-2023 -
Francesco Romor
2022-2023Related publication(s):
- Generative models for the deformation of industrial shapes with linear geometric constraints: Model order and parameter space reductions. (2024)
- Non-linear manifold reduced-order models with convolutional autoencoders and reduced over-collocation method (2023)
- Friedrichs' systems discretized with the Discontinuous Galerkin method: domain decomposable model order reduction and Graph Neural Networks approximating vanishing viscosity solutions (2023)
- Explicable hyper-reduced order models on nonlinearly approximated solution manifolds of compressible and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (2023)
- Kernel-based active subspaces with application to computational fluid dynamics parametric problems using discontinuous Galerkin method (2022)
- ATHENA: Advanced Techniques for High dimensional parameter spaces to Enhance Numerical Analysis (2021)
- Multi-fidelity data fusion for the approximation of scalar functions with low intrinsic dimensionality through active subspaces (2021)
- A local approach to parameter space reduction for regression and classification tasks (2021)
- Multi-fidelity data fusion through parameter space reduction with applications to automotive engineering (2021)
- Kernel-based Active Subspaces with application to CFD parametric problems using Discontinuous Galerkin method (2020)
Davide Manini
2022-2023 -
Cristoforo Iossa
2022-2023 -
Martina Zizza
2022-2023Related publication(s):
Paolo Ventura
2022-2023Related publication(s):
- Stokes waves at the critical depth are modulationally unstable (2024)
- First isola of modulational instability of Stokes waves in deep water (2024)
- Infinitely many isolas of modulational instability for Stokes waves (2024)
- Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in finite depth (2023)
- On the analyticity of the Dirichlet-Neumann operator and Stokes waves (2022)
- Full description of Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves in deep water (2022)
- Benjamin-Feir instability of Stokes waves (2022)
Mario De Marco
2022-2023 -
Simone Carano
2022-2023 -
Blessing Oni
2021/2022 -
Samreena Samreena
2021/2022 -
Leo Bastien Mathis
2021/2022 -
Blessing Oni
2021/2022 -
Elena Lukzen
2021/2022 -
Elena Lukzen
2021/2022 -
Stefano Piani
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Dario Andrini
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Federico Murgante
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Muhammad Mubarak
2021-2022 -
Nirav Shah
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Stefano Piani
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Luigi De Masi
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Laura Meneghetti
2021-2022 -
Alessandro Scag...
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Nirav Shah
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Fran Globlek
2021-2022 -
Luigi De Masi
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Stefano Baranzini
2021-2022 -
Federico Cianci
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Michele Graffeo
2021-2022 -
Massimo Gisonni
2021-2022 -
Sara Farinelli
2021-2022Related publication(s):
Adam Marron Magee
2020/2021 -
Enrico Schlitzer
2020/2021 -
Guido Mazzuca
2020/2021 -
Guido Mazzuca
2020/2021 -
Daan Van De Weem
2020/2021 -
Francesco Sapio
2020-2021Related publication(s):
- An existence result for the fractional Kelvin–Voigt’s model on time-dependent cracked domains (2021)
- A dynamic model for viscoelasticity in domains with time-dependent cracks (2021)
- Quasistatic Limit of a Dynamic Viscoelastic Model with Memory (2021)
- A dynamic model for viscoelastic materials with prescribed growing cracks (2020)
Tommaso Rossi
2020-2021Related publication(s):
- Relative heat content asymptotics in sub-Riemannian manifolds (2024)
- Heat content asymptotics in sub-Riemannian manifolds (2021)
- Integrability of the sub-Riemannian mean curvature at degenerate characteristic points in the Heisenberg group (2021)
- The relative heat content for submanifolds in sub-Riemannian geometry (2021)
Marco Tezzele
2020-2021Related publication(s):
- A Data-Driven Partitioned Approach for the Resolution of Time-Dependent Optimal Control Problems with Dynamic Mode Decomposition (2023)
- Kernel-based active subspaces with application to computational fluid dynamics parametric problems using discontinuous Galerkin method (2022)
- A supervised learning approach involving active subspaces for an efficient genetic algorithm in high-dimensional optimization problems (2021)
- On the comparison of LES data-driven reduced order approaches for hydroacoustic analysis (2021)
- Hull Shape Design Optimization with Parameter Space and Model Reductions, and Self-Learning Mesh Morphing (2021)
- ATHENA: Advanced Techniques for High dimensional parameter spaces to Enhance Numerical Analysis (2021)
- Multi-fidelity data fusion for the approximation of scalar functions with low intrinsic dimensionality through active subspaces (2021)
- A local approach to parameter space reduction for regression and classification tasks (2021)
- Multi-fidelity data fusion through parameter space reduction with applications to automotive engineering (2021)
- Enhancing CFD predictions in shape design problems by model and parameter space reduction (2020)
- Reduced order isogeometric analysis approach for pdes in parametrized domains (2020)
- Advances in reduced order methods for parametric industrial problems in computational fluid dynamics (2020)
- Basic ideas and tools for projection-based model reduction of parametric partial differential equations (2020)
- Kernel-based Active Subspaces with application to CFD parametric problems using Discontinuous Galerkin method (2020)
- A non-intrusive approach for the reconstruction of POD modal coefficients through active subspaces (2019)
Carlo Scarpa
2020 -
Kaiwen Sun
2019/2020 -
Filippo Riva
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers (2021)
- On the Approximation of Quasistatic Evolutions for the Debonding of a Thin Film via Vanishing Inertia and Viscosity (2020)
- Existence and uniqueness of dynamic evolutions for a one dimensional debonding model with damping (2018)
Boris Stupovski
2019-2020Related publication(s):
Flavia Santarcangelo
2019-2020 -
Daniele Agostinelli
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Nutations in plant shoots: Endogenous and exogenous factors in the presence of mechanical deformations (2021)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots as a morphoelastic flutter instability (2021)
- MicroMotility: State of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales (2020)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots: The role of elastic deformations due to gravity loading (2019)
- Peristaltic Waves as Optimal Gaits in Metameric Bio-Inspired Robots (2018)
Michele Stecconi
2019-2020 -
Saddam Hijazi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- The Effort of Increasing Reynolds Number in Projection-Based Reduced Order Methods: from Laminar to Turbulent Flows (2020)
- Non-intrusive Polynomial Chaos Method Applied to Full-Order and Reduced Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Comparison and Perspectives (2020)
- Data-driven POD-Galerkin reduced order model for turbulent flows (2020)
- POD-Galerkin reduced order methods for CFD using Finite Volume Discretisation: vortex shedding around a circular cylinder (2017)
Xiao Han
2019-2020 -
Ekaterina Mukoseeva
2019-2020Related publication(s):
Luca Franzoi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Pure gravity traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity (2024)
- Reducibility for a linear wave equation with Sobolev smooth fast driven potential. (2023)
- Quadratic life span of periodic gravity-capillary water waves (2021)
- Traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity (2021)
- Reducibility for a fast-driven linear Klein–Gordon equation (2019)
Michele Stecconi
2019-2020 -
Federico Pichi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Model order reduction for bifurcating phenomena in fluid-structure interaction problems (2022)
- Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier–Stokes equations with model order reduction (2022)
- Efficient computation of bifurcation diagrams with a deflated approach to reduced basis spectral element method (2020)
- A Reduced Order technique to study bifurcating phenomena: application to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (2020)
- Reduced basis approaches for parametrized bifurcation problems held by non-linear Von Kármán equations (2019)
- Reduced Basis Approximation and A Posteriori Error Estimation: Applications to Elasticity Problems in Several Parametric Settings (2018)
Monica Nonino
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- An optimisation–based domain–decomposition reduced order model for parameter–dependent non–stationary fluid dynamics problems (2024)
- An optimisation–based domain–decomposition reduced order model for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations (2023)
- A Monolithic and a Partitioned, Reduced Basis Method for Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems (2021)
- A Reduced Order Cut Finite Element method for geometrically parametrized steady and unsteady Navier–Stokes problems (2021)
Luca Franzoi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Pure gravity traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity (2024)
- Reducibility for a linear wave equation with Sobolev smooth fast driven potential. (2023)
- Quadratic life span of periodic gravity-capillary water waves (2021)
- Traveling quasi-periodic water waves with constant vorticity (2021)
- Reducibility for a fast-driven linear Klein–Gordon equation (2019)
Federico Pichi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Model order reduction for bifurcating phenomena in fluid-structure interaction problems (2022)
- Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier–Stokes equations with model order reduction (2022)
- Efficient computation of bifurcation diagrams with a deflated approach to reduced basis spectral element method (2020)
- A Reduced Order technique to study bifurcating phenomena: application to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (2020)
- Reduced basis approaches for parametrized bifurcation problems held by non-linear Von Kármán equations (2019)
- Reduced Basis Approximation and A Posteriori Error Estimation: Applications to Elasticity Problems in Several Parametric Settings (2018)
Daniele Agostinelli
2019-2020Related publication(s):
- Nutations in plant shoots: Endogenous and exogenous factors in the presence of mechanical deformations (2021)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots as a morphoelastic flutter instability (2021)
- MicroMotility: State of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales (2020)
- Nutations in growing plant shoots: The role of elastic deformations due to gravity loading (2019)
- Peristaltic Waves as Optimal Gaits in Metameric Bio-Inspired Robots (2018)
Giovanni Corsi
2019-2020Related publication(s):
Giovanni Alzetta
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Giulia Vescovo
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Alaa Aly Elsaye...
2018-2019 -
Francesco Sorrentino
2018-2019 -
Daniele Dimonte
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Matteo Gallone
2018-2019 -
Ornela Mulita
2018-2019 -
Giulia Vescovo
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Noe Angelo Caruso
2018-2019 -
Francesco Sorrentino
2018-2019 -
Alessandro Caro...
2018-2019 -
Williams Runako...
2018-2019 -
Daniele Dimonte
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Konstantin Aleshkin
2018-2019 -
Zakia Zainib
2018-2019Related publication(s):
- Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (2021)
- Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in coronary bypass grafts, toward patient-specific data assimilation (2020)
Giulio Ruzza
2018-2019 -
Maicol Caponi
2018-2019Related publication(s):
- An existence result for the fractional Kelvin–Voigt’s model on time-dependent cracked domains (2021)
- Existence of solutions to a phase–field model of dynamic fracture with a crack–dependent dissipation (2020)
- Energy-dissipation balance of a smooth moving crack (2020)
- A dynamic model for viscoelastic materials with prescribed growing cracks (2020)
- Linear Hyperbolic Systems in Domains with Growing Cracks (2017)
Noe Angelo Caruso
2018-2019 -
Massimo Bagnarol
2018-2019 -
Williams Runako...
2018-2019 -
William Daniel ...
2018-2019 -
Zakia Zainib
2018-2019Related publication(s):
- Reduced Order Methods for Parametrized Non-linear and Time Dependent Optimal Flow Control Problems, Towards Applications in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (2021)
- Reduced order methods for parametric optimal flow control in coronary bypass grafts, toward patient-specific data assimilation (2020)
Emanuele Tasso
2018-2019Related publication(s):
Massimo Bagnarol
2018-2019 -
Felice Iandoli
2017-2018Local and almost global solutions for fully non-linear Schrödinger equations on the circleRelated publication(s):
- Long-time stability of the quantum hydrodynamic system on irrational tori (2022)
- Local well-posedness for quasi-linear NLS with large Cauchy data on the circle (2019)
- Long time existence for fully nonlinear NLS with small Cauchy data on the circle (2018)
- Dispersive Estimates for Schrödinger Operators with Point Interactions in ℝ3 (2017)
Andrea Maiorana
2017-2018Related publication(s):